5 de julio de 2024

Validation of the OCPBL model for online collaborative project-based learning

This contribution presents the validation of the Online Collaborative Project-based learning model based on the experience of a subject that is present in all the undergraduate programs in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya called “ICT Competences”. 

Based on a mixed method research through an online survey that combines quantitative and qualitative data, the opinions of 978 students of the different university programs was gathered. The main aim of this research was to know students’ opinions on the principal elements of the model and its transferability in academic and professional contexts. The contributions of the students are analyzed globally, by gender, and by undergraduate program. 

The presented results validate the model, but suggest some adjustments in order to improve some aspects of the implementation process and open further research possibilities based on its application. As main conclusions of the study, results suggest the need of sequencing students’ asynchronous communication, adapting the different roles of the teams and to prove a more professional-oriented context of some of the activities in order to make the model more related to the professional field. 

As an aspect for improvement, students mentioned some difficulty in managing situations in which the established agreements were not complied. Among the positive aspects are the relationship with peers, learning new digital tools and resources, acquiring soft skills such as empathy, teamwork, and learning to collaborate effectively online.



How to cite: Romero Carbonell, M., Romeu Fontanillas, T., Guitert Catasús, M., & Baztán Quemada, P. (2024). Validation of the OCPBL model for online collaborative project-based learning. [Validación del modelo ABPCL para el aprendizaje basado en proyectos colaborativos en línea]. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 27(2), pp. 159-181. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.27.2.39120