16 de octubre de 2024

How to Optimize Feedback in Virtual Environments to Foster Greater Cognitive Engagement in Students?

This article explores how individual student characteristics, such as motivation, self-efficacy, and success expectations, influence their cognitive engagement with feedback in virtual environments

Since feedback is a key tool for improving learning, understanding how students receive and apply it can help design more effective interventions in online education, enhancing meaningful learning.

The study provides empirical evidence on the phase prior to active engagement with feedback, an aspect that has received little attention in previous research. Identifying how factors such as motivational orientation or beliefs about learning control influence this preliminary phase is crucial to understanding how students process and apply feedback. This can help educators tailor their approaches, optimizing feedback interaction and impact.

Moreover, the article highlights the importance of providing feedback during the learning process, not just at the end, as this mediates students' cognitive engagement. These findings can guide the design of pedagogical activities in virtual environments, promoting greater participation and improved academic outcomes, which is especially relevant in the current context of distance education.



How to cite: Mayordomo Saiz, R. M., Espasa Roca, A., Guasch Pascual, T., & Martínez-Melo, M. (2023). Motivational Orientation, Self-efficacy and Expectancy: Cognitive En-gagement with Feedback in Virtual Environments. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(2), 135–154. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.26.2.36242