3 de octubre de 2022

New Call for Papers in RIED (May 2023). Trends in Digital Education

On this occasion, our journal RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia makes a Call for Papers (CfP) more open than those previously called. We want to stress that RIED is well positioned in the most prominent international indexes of scientific journals. SEE.

This call for papers, for Vol. 27(1), closes on June 1, 2023, although, in order to promote the maximum currency of the articles, it is strongly recommended that they be submitted only during the next month of May. This call will be about Trends in Digital Education.

As an important novelty, starting with this issue (number 27(1)) that is being announced, RIED becomes a bilingual journal. This means that original articles should be submitted, as before, in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. However, for those articles that pass the evaluation processes and are accepted for publication, authors will be required to provide a translation of the text. If the article was submitted in Spanish or Portuguese, authors will need to translate it into English. If the article was submitted in English, a translation into Spanish will be required. In both cases, it is an essential requirement for publication that the translation be of professional and academic quality. The costs of translation and any revisions that may be necessary will be borne by the authors.

Given the large number of articles that we are receiving at RIED, we are forced to further strengthen the requirements to accept articles. That is why it is so important that, before submitting a work, this information and all the links to which it refers, as well as the information that appears below, be read very carefully.

Given the large number of articles that are arriving at RIED, we are forced to further strengthen the requirements to accept articles. That is why it is so important that, before submitting a work, this information and all the links to which it leads, as well as the information that appears below, are read very carefully.

The following, and always related to learning, will be priority topics for the selection of the best articles:

  • Artificial intelligence, robotics, computational thinking, chatbots, virtual assistants, machine learning, blockchain, smart tutoring.
  • Metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, immersive environments and extended reality, remote and virtual laboratories.
  • Adaptive and personalized learning.
  • There could also be room for an excellent theoretical or empirical article that provides new knowledge within the scope and objectives of RIED: fundamentals, structures, possibilities, designs, teaching, methodologies, synchrony-asynchrony, evaluation, success-desertion..., always referred to non-face-to-face educational formats.

As you can see, RIED, which is a semi-annual journal, publishes between 15-17 articles in each issue and, obviously, in each call, only those that the RIED coordinators, reviewers and editing team consider to be the best and the ones that best comply with what is required by the journal and, where appropriate, to the proposals of the specific call. Unfortunately in each call, the other articles have to be dismissed.

In this call, all articles must be sent to the "Studies and Research" section.


We extract and highlight from our Information for Authors some of the requirements that at first reading are cause to reject an article:

  • It deviates from the focus and scope of RIED or from the interests and topic of this call.
  • The title is of little interest. It does not invite reading.
  • Authors. When submitting the article (anonymous), not all the authors appear on the platform (journal website), in the correct order in which they will appear in the final work, or any of them is not fully identified: name, surname, institutional email, institution, country, ORCID and a brief biographical note (30-50 words).The summary is low quality. It is an essential part of the article. If it does not convince, the work is already rejected.
  • There is a poor compliance with the requirements of the RIED template: formal aspects, length of title, abstract, keywords or complete work, as well as the format of citations, references, tables, graphs and images, etc.
  • It shows little foundation or is of a poor quality, not supported by citations/references (special consideration) that are: relevant, sufficient, impactful, varied and current. The same criteria apply for the sections: discussion, contrast, comparison of results with other works, etc.
  • It is limited to very specific case studies; refers to a single course, subject or discipline or deals with a single academic period.
  • It relies on a small population of little interest or an unrepresentative sample.
  • It applies a less solid study methodology or one that is far from the IMRD model + conclusions.
  • It is scarcely current or novel, or it reiterates topics, objectives, hypotheses, results, conclusions... that are similar to others already published, or it contributes less to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • It is basically descriptive or simply shows the results of a survey, the pertinent comments and little else, moving away from scientific evidence.
  • t has weaknesses in its validity, reliability, contrast, generalization, replicability...
  • It shows deficiencies in the structure, writing or grammatical style.
  • It moves away from the level of university studies or shows experiences that are difficult to replicate or apply at the university.
  • It does not meet APA-7 Standards.


  • In the first days of next June, all the articles that have arrived in due time and form will be sent to the preselection evaluators.
  • Depending on the number of articles received, these evaluators will have time to filter, prioritize, and decide whether to pass some to scientific evaluation or definitively reject others.
  • The articles accepted in this shortlist will go to the international scientific reviewers who will be able to decide whether to accept the article, whether to accept it with slight or substantial modifications, or whether it should be rejected.
  • If the works accepted in the scientific review, in total, are less or exactly the number of articles provided, they will all go to the next phase of corrections.
  • If more articles than the number planned for publication reach this stage, those that best meet the requirements and criteria established in RIED will be selected. The rest, unfortunately, cannot be published and will be definitively rejected. 


  • Last day to submit articles for this call: June 1, 2023.
  • In order to have fully up to date works, it is strongly recommended to submit the article during the month of May 2023, not before.
  • Official publication: January 2024. In a OnlineFirst edition, the articles could be published before that date, ready to be read and cited.