16 de abril de 2021

Digital Transformation and Education 4.0 Following UNESCO Recommendations: Opportunities for Blended and Distance Environments (Call for Papers)


- Dra. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya (Tecnologico de Monterrey. México. UNESCO Chair in Movimiento Educativo Abierto América Latina)
- Profr. Rory McGreal (Athabasca University. Canadá. IRRODL EditorUNESCO Chair in OER)
- Dr. Jane-Frances Obiageli Agbu (National Open University of NigeriaICDE Chair in OER)

Deadline for receipt: November 30, 2021

Proposal for Special Issue: June 2022


Digital transformation, considered as the integration of digital technology into all areas of an organization, has fundamentally changed the operation of education. The mobilization is evident in the evolution of its components, whether technological, administrative, systems, and in its own educational communities.  This transformation has introduced new technologies, social networks, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), among others, in the various modalities of teaching and learning, both face-to-face and distance (elearning, blearning, mlearning, ulearning). 

Digital transformation brings new products, processes, services, knowledge, distribution channels and/or supply chains to learning environments. Transformation changes are reflected in platforms, content, resources, assessment, management and even alternative credentials. This requires to be accompanied, not only by infrastructure, but also by training in digital competencies that will support the new scenarios (academic, social, labor). Digital transformation is linked to the practices of education 4.0 where institutions apply new learning methods, innovative didactic and management tools, and intelligent and sustainable infrastructures complemented with emerging technologies that improve the processes of knowledge generation and information transfer.

In this sense, digital transformation represents a process of cultural, technological and organizational change, induced by the development of digital technologies. Open education brings with it a great support for digital transformation, especially from the focus on the areas of action of the new UNESCO 2019 Recommendations: capacity development, development of supportive policies, effective, inclusive and equitable access and sustainability models. This new Recommendation will support the development and sharing of openly licensed teaching and learning materials for the benefit of students, teachers and researchers worldwide.

Given this scenario, this monograph is presented as an invitation to contribute with new educational practices and research that support the growth and projection of distance education and digital transformation and Education 4.0 within the framework of the new UNESCO recommendations for Open Education.

Some topics of practices and research are the following (not exclusive):

  • Open education: practices and new UNESCO 2019 recommendations
    • Capacity building of stakeholders on the creation, access, reuse, adaptation and redistribution of open educational resources (OER)
    • Development of supportive policies
    • Promoting effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER
    • Encouraging the creation of sustainability models for OER
    • Promotion and strengthening of international cooperation
  • Academic continuity in times of crisis: new distance education environments
  • Internationalization in distance environments
  • Flexible and digital learning environments
  • Digital competencies with active learning strategies
  • Education 4.0 for connected and digital environments
  • New didactic models and strategies for education 4.0
  • Teaching profiles and competencies for distance environments and education 4.0
  • Virtual reality, augmented reality, 360 videos and new applications for 4.0 environments
  • Transformation with artificial intelligence, automation and nanotechnologies
  • Use of OLS (Open Learning Resources), LEM, active learning or immersive resources.
  • Adaptive and personalized learning
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants
  • Remote and virtual laboratories
  • Intelligent tutoring systems

Important for submitting papers

  • Paper publication and access is free and open to all. 
  • The papers must be submitted through the RIED website
  • The manuscripts should have a maximum length of 7,000 words, including abstract, notes and references. 
  • The papers may be published in Spanish, Portuguese or English. 
  • All papers must comply with RIED guidelines, templates and policies.

Deadline for receiving papers: all originals must be registered on the platform before November 30, 2021.


If you have any questions about this special issue, please contact the coordinators: