16 de agosto de 2024

How can a digital platform be optimized to enhance multimedia learning and knowledge transfer?

In the context of higher education, digital platforms have become an essential tool for knowledge transfer and multimedia learning. These platforms not only allow the integration of different media, such as text, audio, video, and images, but also facilitate interaction between students and teachers in a virtual environment.

The digital platform "Entremedios" at the University of Zaragoza is a prominent example of how these tools can be used to enhance the educational process and prepare students for the professional world.

This study focuses on analyzing the impact of "Entremedios" on the training of future journalists, exploring how the platform has been used to foster practical and collaborative learning.

Through in-depth interviews and discussion groups with graduates and platform managers, areas of improvement have been identified that could increase the platform's effectiveness in knowledge transfer.

The results of this study not only offer a critical view of the current functioning of "Entremedios," but also propose strategies for its optimization, aiming to enhance student professionalism and their preparation to face the challenges of contemporary journalism.



How to cite: Marta-Lazo, C., Gabelas-Barroso, J. A., Nogales-Bocio, A., & Badillo-Mendoza, M. E. (2022). Multimedia Learning and Knowledge Transfer on a Digital Platform. Entremedios Case Study. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 25(1), 101–120. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.25.1.30846