21 de agosto de 2024

How can Web Radio and Social Media develop communication and intercultural skills?

The Europa on Air project, part of the Erasmus+ program, stands out as an innovative educommunication experiment that combines web radio and social media with non-formal education.

This article explores how participating students acquired communication, linguistic, and intercultural skills by using digital platforms as key tools for content dissemination and the promotion of European citizenship.

The initiative not only strengthened learning in an international context but also promoted the integration of European values through cultural exchange and interaction.

The study, coordinated by various educational institutions in France, Italy, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and Spain, highlights how web radio becomes an effective vehicle for media literacy, enabling students to develop practical skills in program production and broadcasting, while also fostering respect for the cultural and social diversity of the European Union.

Student mobility, one of the project's main pillars, facilitated immersion in different cultural realities, broadening the educational horizons of young people and reinforcing their sense of belonging to a more united and diverse European community.

This experience demonstrates how integrating digital media and non-formal education can be essential in preparing new generations for an increasingly globalized and culturally diverse environment.



How to cite: Ortiz Sobrino, M. Ángel, López Vidales, N., & González Pérez, J. C. (2022). Educommunication, Web radio and Non-Formal Education in an Erasmus+ Context: the Europa On Air Experience. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 25(1), 163–181. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.25.1.30641