9 de agosto de 2024

Innovative Technopedagogy in Secondary Physics: Learning Analytics and d-Learning

The shift towards remote learning has posed significant challenges in terms of educational quality and learning effectiveness, especially in secondary education. 

This transformation has highlighted the need for advanced tools to evaluate and improve technopedagogical models, ensuring pedagogical continuity and the development of essential competencies in students.

The article "Analysis of Significant Learning Applied d-Learning in the Teaching of Physics in Secondary Education" investigates the use of learning analytics as a tool to optimize the educational process in virtual environments. 

Conducted by Marcelo Augusto Salica, the research focuses on a group of secondary school students, employing Google Suite for Education tools to teach Newton's Laws of Motion from an interdisciplinary perspective that integrates Physics and Physical Education. 

Through detailed analysis of data collected over three months, the study identifies the development of metacognitive competencies and proposes a learning analytics model that transforms ICT into metacognitive knowledge technologies, thereby enhancing the teaching and learning process.



How to cite: Salica, M. A. (2021). Analysis of Significant Learning Applied d-Learning in the Teaching of Physics in Secondary Education. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 24(2), 265–284. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.24.2.28399