28 de agosto de 2024

Radio and Television: Classic Tools for Modern Education

The use of audiovisual media in education has been a consistent resource over the decades, especially in the context of distance learning.

Radio, television, audio, and video have played a crucial role in supporting teaching and learning processes, providing an accessible and flexible alternative, particularly in situations where digital connectivity is limited or non-existent.

These resources, though sometimes considered obsolete in the digital age, have proven their effectiveness and relevance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when mobility restrictions and the closure of educational facilities forced educational systems to quickly adapt to new forms of distance learning.

Lorenzo García Aretio's article explores how the COVID-19 pandemic revitalized the use of these traditional media, highlighting their importance in ensuring educational continuity, especially for vulnerable groups. Despite technological advancements and the proliferation of digital tools, radio and television emerged as powerful means to keep education accessible worldwide.

The author emphasizes how integrating these resources into omnichannel educational proposals can enhance the quality of teaching, overcome geographical and technological barriers, and ensure that no student is left behind, regardless of their circumstances.



How to cite: García-Aretio, L. (2022). Radio, Television, Audio and Video in Education. Functions and Possibilities, Enhanced by COVID-19. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 25(1), 09–28. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.25.1.31468