30 de agosto de 2024

Towards a Comprehensive Quality Model in e-Learning

Quality in e-Learning is a topic of growing relevance in the field of Higher Education, especially in a context where the digitalization of teaching has taken on a central role.

This article addresses the need for a robust and specific evaluative framework for e-Learning quality, given that quality assessment in higher education institutions does not follow a universal standard and largely depends on the particularities of each institution.

Based on an exhaustive analysis of the literature and the identification of key dimensions of e-Learning quality, the authors propose a new evaluation model, which has undergone a rigorous validation process.

The study presents a model that integrates four main dimensions and a total of 80 indicators, allowing for a more comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the aspects that influence e-Learning quality in the university context.

The validation of the model, conducted by experts in quality evaluation and e-Learning, has demonstrated a high level of acceptance, underscoring the relevance and utility of this new approach.

This work provides a valuable tool for higher education institutions and also opens new avenues for future research that delves into the continuous improvement of quality in digital teaching.



How to cite: Ortiz-López, A., Olmos-Migueláñez, S., & Sánchez-Prieto, J. C. (2021). e-Learning Quality: Identification of its Dimensions, Proposal and Validation of a Model for its Assessment in Higher Education. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 24(2), 225–244. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.24.2.29073