15 de septiembre de 2024

How can mobile applications increase the motivation and participation of university students?

The study titled "Using Socrative as a Tool to Improve the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education" examines the use of the Socrative application in the teaching of Statistics within a Biology degree program, analyzing its effects on both the academic performance of students and classroom dynamics. 

Through quantitative and qualitative assessments, the study aims to determine whether the inclusion of this tool enhances academic outcomes, student participation, and motivation. Although the results are mixed, significant improvements in academic performance were observed in one of the Socrative tests, as well as in students' overall perception of learning.

One of the key conclusions is that Socrative fosters greater student motivation and participation, creating a more dynamic classroom environment. Furthermore, the study highlights how technology can facilitate more active teacher involvement, improving the student-teacher relationship. 

However, academic performance results were not consistently improved, suggesting the need for further research to clarify the factors that contribute to the success of such tools in different educational contexts. The practical applications of this study suggest that Socrative could be a valuable pedagogical tool, particularly in promoting motivation and interaction in university classrooms.



How to cite: Juan Llamas, C., & de la Viuda Serrano, A. (2022). Using Socrative as a Tool to Improve the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 25(1), 279–297. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.25.1.31182