The article "Impact of intensive programming training on the development of Computational Thinking in prospective teachers" explores the effects of an innovative training experience on the development of this key 21st-century competency.
Through the intensive use of Scratch as a pedagogical tool, the study addresses the need to equip future teachers not only with technical proficiency in computational thinking (CT) but also with its pedagogical application, a critical skill for transferring CT effectively to primary and early childhood classrooms.
Conducted at the University of Girona with education students, the research highlights how intensive programming training can bridge competency gaps among participants with diverse technological backgrounds and experiences.
Using a pre-experimental design with a standardized CT test administered before and after the intervention, the study concludes that all participants significantly improved their ability to formulate and solve problems using computational concepts. Furthermore, it identifies a clear correlation between proficiency developed in Scratch and the CT levels achieved, reinforcing Scratch as an effective instructional resource.
This work not only demonstrates the positive impact of intensive methodologies in initial teacher training but also proposes a replicable model for other disciplines and educational contexts.
By combining hands-on activities with rigorous analysis, the study represents a significant advancement in preparing educators to teach CT from an early age, fostering skills that are essential for the education of the future.
How to cite: González-Martínez, J., Peracaula-Bosch, M., & Meyerhofer-Parra, R. (2024). Impact of intensive programming training on the development of Computational Thinking in prospective teachers. [Impacto de una formación intensiva en programación en el desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional en futuros/as maestros/as]. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 27(1), 187-208.