15 de enero de 2025

The Frameworks for Digital Teaching Competence in Spain between 2000 and 2020

Technological transformation has reshaped the dynamics of interaction, learning, and teaching while also highlighting the need to integrate digital teaching competence (DTC) as a central axis in the frameworks for the training and professional development of university professors.

This article focuses on analyzing how competency frameworks in Spain have addressed this digital perspective between 2000 and 2020, offering a comprehensive review that highlights trends, gaps, and opportunities for improvement.

The study identifies and categorizes the competency frameworks based on how they treat DTC: as a specific competence, a sub-competence, or a transversal element.

The findings reveal that although many frameworks acknowledge the impact of digital technologies (DT) on teaching, there is a predominant instrumental and methodological perspective, focusing on the teaching-learning process rather than a comprehensive transformation of the teaching role or the development of students’ digital competences.

This approach reflects a limited perception of the potential of DT to drive significant improvements in educational quality and the development of active, critical citizens in a digital environment.

Through this analysis, the study emphasizes the urgency of advancing toward a deeper and more transversal integration of DTC within competency frameworks, moving beyond the mere instrumentalization of technologies.

Educational digitalization must be approached from a holistic perspective that fosters not only the technical training of educators but also their role as agents of change in building an education system tailored to contemporary challenges. 


How to cite: Buils, S., Esteve-Mon, F. M., Sánchez-Tarazaga, L., & Arroyo-Ainsa, P. (2022). Analysis of the Digital Perspective in the Frameworks of Teaching Competencies in Higher Education in Spain. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 25(2), 133–152. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.25.2.32349